Sabtu, 29 Juni 2013

sekedar info

Juara I Pidato Bahasa Inggris, Catatan kecil dari Porseni MI Ke IV

Senin, 24 Juni 2013 –

Kota Blitar, Jatim (Humas). Satu lagi murid MI Perwanida Kota Blitar yang berprestasi di Porseni MI se-Jawa Timur Ke-IV di Kabupaten Blitar Tahun 2013 yakni Parikesit Prasty Suyudiy. Siswa Kelas V ini adalah peraih Juara I cabang Pidato Bahasa Inggris pada ajang dua tahunan ini.
Parikesit Prasty Suyudiy yang lahir di Kupang, 9 April 2001. Mau tahu prestasi lain yang pernah ditorehkannya? Zakia Zainul Musthofa juga adalah Juara I cabang Pidato Bahasa Arab pada Porseni MI se-Jawa Timur Ke-III Tahun 2011.
Anak dari pasangan Suyut, S.E dan Puji Rahayu ini selain piawai berpidato dalam Bahasa Inggris, juga salah satu siswa berprestasi di madrasahnya. Kata para ustadz dan ustadzahnya, ia salah satu anak yang cerdas di madrasah. “Selalu masuk sepuluh besar di kelasnya.”

Marak Kasus Kekerasan Anak Karena Masyarakat Ibukota Kurang Sosial

Jakarta – Maraknya kasus kekerasan pada anak akhir-akhir ini disebabkan karena menurunnya rasa sosial di antara warga. Masyarakat, khususnya di kota-kota besar cenderung cuek dan enggan bersosialisasi. Karena rasa antisosial itulah, maka kekerasan pada anak kerap terjadi.
“Faktanya kekerasan terhadap anak itu muncul dari lingkungan domestik, misalnya ketika seorang tetangga tahu ada orang tua yang melakukan kekerasan pada anak namun karena cuek dia tidak menghiraukannya,” ujar Komisioner Komnas Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI), Asrorun Ni’am saat berbincang dengan detikcom, Minggu (3/3/2013).
Oleh karena itu KPAI mengimbau agar sosialisasi antar tetangga harus dikembalikan ditengah pesatnya iklim modernisasi yang identik dengan individualisme. Dia mengatakan, jika terjadi kekerasan pada anak dalam suatu lingkungan, pejabat setempat harus diberitahu.
“Minimal Pak RT harus diberitahu agar dia bisa menegur orang tua yang melakukan tindak kekerasan pada anak, kalau teguran tidak mempan bisa dilaporkan ke polisi,” ucapnya.
Dia juga menjelaskan tingginya tingkat kekerasan pada anak akhir-akhir ini karena ketidakpedulian orang tua terhadap anak. Bahkan orang tua yang sibuk bekerja menyerahkan anaknya pada pembantu. Hal itu lanjutnya, tergolong tindakan kurang mendidik.
“Kekerasan pada anak salah satunya ialah abainya kepedulian orang tua pada anak,” tuturnya.

Parent & child programme

London International Study Centre, together with its sister companies Sutherland Education and Sutherland Day Nursery, offers a programme specially tailored to the parent with a child. It is very flexible and is based on personal requirements.
adult'one-to-one' lessons for a parent (general, business or specialist English)
childLISC study programmes (intensive English EAT© or academic courses) for 8-19 year olds or day care at Sutherland Day Nursery for children aged 3 months to 5 years (minimum duration of one month)
The programme is designed for professionals who, over a short period of time, wish to improve their English or their knowledge of technical vocabulary in their area of specialism, and yet not have to separate from their children. The course focuses on building business language and developing communication skills and strategies in order to help you communicate more confidently in meetings, negotiations, presentations and social situations. Using a variety of effective learning techniques you will develop your ability to liaise with customers and business partners in English. Discussion on current affairs and the development of intercultural awareness is important for working with suppliers and partners of different nationalities.
Whilst you are following our unique programme, your child is able to also benefit from learning the language or simply interacting with children of the same age. You no longer need to leave your child behind; you can spend evenings and weekends with them and both of you can benefit from a wonderful opportunity to learn or improve English within a safe and happy environment.

Kid's Song

Berikut beberapa lagu anak-anak yang dapat didownload :

ABC song
Twinkle-twinkle little Star
Are you sleeping?
Mary had a litlle lamp

Short Story fur Fun

Hansel and Gretel


A poor woodcutter and his wife had two children named Hansel and Gretel. Their mother died when they were young. Hansel and Gretel were very sad. Soon their father remarried but their stepmother was very cruel. One day, she took the children deep into the forest and left them there. Clever Hansel had some breadcrumbs in his pocket and had dropped them on the way so that they could find their way back home. Alas! The birds ate all the crumbs and they couldn’t find the path that led back home.
Hansel and Gretel went deeper and deeper into the forest. They were hungry and tired. Finally, after walking for a long time, they saw a cottage made of chocolate, candies, and cake. “Look, Hansel! A chocolate brick!” shouted
Gretel in delight and both ate it hungrily.
Now, a wicked witch lived there. When she saw Hansel and Gretel, she wanted to eat them. She grabbed the chil­dren and locked them in a cage. The witch decided to make a soup out of Hansel and eat him first. She began boiling a huge pot of water for the soup. Just then, Gretel crept out of her cage. She gave the wicked witch a mighty push from behind and the witch fell into the boiling water. She howled in pain and died instantly. Hansel and Gretel found treasure lying around the cottage. They carried it home with them. Their stepmother had died and their father wel­comed them back with tears of joy. They never went hungry again!


Child Speech and Language


Children's speech and language development follows a typical pattern (see How Does Your Child Hear and Talk for more information). If you have concerns about your child's speech or language, consult a speech-language pathologist (ASHA's Find a Professional).

Speech Disorders

Language Disorders

Medical and Developmental Conditions

Communication Options

Frequently Asked Questions


General Characteristics

  1. Interested in people: aware of differences, willing to give more to others, but also expect more.
  2. Busy, active, full of enthusiasm, may try too much, interested in money and its value.
  3. Sensitive to criticism, recognize failure, capacity for self-evaluation.
  4. Capable of prolonged interest.
  5. Decisive, dependable, reasonable, strong sense of right and wrong.
  6. Spend a great deal of time in discussion. Often outspoken and critical of adults although still dependent on adult approval.

Physical Characteristics

  1. Very active: need frequent breaks from tasks to do fun and energetic things.
  2. Bone growth is not yet complete.
  3. Some may mature early, may be insecure about their appearance or size.
  4. Often accident-prone.

Social Characteristics

  1. Start to develop close ties with friends outside of the family and start to seek independence.
  2. Very choosy about friends; acceptance by them is important.
  3. Can be competitive.
  4. Team games become popular.
  5. May try to emulate popular sports heroes and TV and movie stars.

Emotional Characteristics
  1. Very sensitive to praise and recognition; feelings are hurt easily.
2.      Because friends are so important during this time, there can be conflicts between adults’ rules and friends’ rules. Mentors can help with honesty and consistency.

Mental Characteristics

  1. Fairness is very important to them.
  2. Eager to answer questions and look for a positive response to their ideas.
  3. Very curious; like to collect things but may jump to other objects of interest after a short time.
  4. Want more independence but look for guidance and support.
  5. Reading abilities vary widely.

Developmental Tasks

  1. Social cooperation.
  2. Self-evaluation.
  3. Skill learning.
  4. Team play.

Suggested Volunteer Strategies

  1. Recognize allegiance to friends and heroes.
  2. Help them understand responsibilities in a two-way relationship.
  3. Acknowledge and praise performance and affirm often.
  4. Offer enjoyable learning experiences; share ideas about different cultures and fun facts about geography to broaden their sense of the world around them.
  5. Provide frank answers to questions.